
Modern e-learning and e-tutoring during the weekend.

Ideal alongside your job.


Real experts

Excellent lecturers from leading universities,

research institutes and engineering companies.


Open to

Open to all interested persons, 

conditions of participation vary per course.

Special Subjects - Membrane Engineering

Building with textile materials has been one of the tasks of engineers for more than 60 years. During this time, spectacular buildings have been created, which clearly differ from concrete, steel or wooden structures due to their very own design language, both visually and in the way they are processed.

The requirements arising from the impending climatic change will necessitate lightweight structural solutions in order to be able to continue to maintain a livable urban space in the short term. The introduction of the Eurocode provides the normative framework for membrane construction and highlights the increasing need for trained professionals.

With this course, the IMS is enabling the specialist engineers of the future to become qualified in this field.

Course content, for detailed information send us an E-Mail:

AC-001: Structural Design II
AC-002: Membrane Materials II
AC-003: Structural Analysis II
AC-004: Construction Management II


Special Subject - Numerical Engineering

Course content:

AC-005: Formfinding, Stress and Deformation Calculation, Cutting patterns with different FE software
AC-006: Theory of Membranes - Numerical Background
AC-007: CFD-Analysis and Wind Tunnel Testing
AC-008: Hybrid Structures - Timber and Steel Structures and their Interaction with Membranes
AC-009: Parametric Design & Engineering

Special Subject - Structural Analyses and Detailing

Course content:

AC-010: Cables and Cable Net Structures - Structural Analyses and Detailing
AC-011: Inflatable Halls - Structural Analyses and Detailing
AC-012: Façades - Structural Analyses and Detailing
AC-013: Foundation of Membrane Structures - Structural Analyses and Detailing
AC-014: Retractable Structures and Drive Mechanisms - Structural Analyses and Detailing

Special Subject - Building Physics

Course content:

AC-015: Thermal and Optical Methods, Measurement and Analysis
AC-016: Acoustics
AC-017: Building Simulation (Comfort and Climatic Design)
AC-018: Fire protection
AC-019: Sustainability and Environmental Aspects of Membrane Structures

Special Subject - Electronics and Control

Course content:

AC-020: Adaptive Systems
AC-021: Building integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in membrane construction
AC-022: Control and Sensor Technologies
AC-023: Design of Air Supply Systems for Pneumatic Structures
AC-024: Survey and Measurements on Membranes

Special Subject - Advanced Topics

Course content:

AC-025: Corrosion Protection of Metals and Metal-Connections
AC-026: Certificates of Usability and Building Inspection
AC-027: Experimental Membrane Structures (incl. e.g. Bionics)
AC-028: Modular Building Envelopes
AC-029: Building Information Modelling (BIM)


+4915205240100 mail@ims-institute.org