Dr.-Ing. Alexander Hub
Education and Professional Career
since 2018 | Admission as associate in the Alfred Rein engineering GmbH |
since 2017 | Mandatory member of the Baden-Württemberg chamber of engineers with the |
since 2015 | Member of the professional group planning of supporting framework of the Baden-Württemberg chamber of engineers |
2013 | Nomination to managing director of Alfred Rein engineering GmbH |
since 2012 | Guest lecturer at the the Institute of building structure and structural Design (ITKE) Prof. Jan Knippers, University of Stuttgart |
2011 - 2013 | Project director of Alfred Rein engineering GmbH, Stuttgart |
2008 - 2012 | Doctoral thesis at ITKE/ University of Stuttgart with the subject: “ Integrated approach for a sustainable erection of buildings made out of concrete elements” with the degree Dr.-Ing. |
2002 - 2012 | Research associate at the Institute of building structure and structural design (ITKE) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers, University of Stuttgart |
2000 - 2002 | Project engineer in the engineering office IF-Group, Reichenau |
2000 | Diploma thesis at Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Saal at the research center for steel, wood and masonry with the subject: „Connecting detail of steel truss member in cut nodeplates“ |
1997 - 1999 | Scientific student worker at the Institute of building structure (IfT) Prof. Fritz Wenzel collaboration in the special research project 315 |
1994 – 2000 | Study of civil engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT) |
Publications and lectures
2020 | Impulsvortrag: „ Stadiondächer alles überDACHT“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz |
2019 | Vortrag: „ Report from a joint research project for the use of re-tractable membrane structures in South Korea” Konferenz “Form and force“ – Barcelona |
2018 | Impulsvortrag: „ Achterbahn“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz
Vortrag bei Ingenieurbüro I‘ST, Seoul
Technical seminar: Entwicklungen am testbed - Ver-bundforschungsvorhaben wandelbare Dächer, Seoul |
2017 | Gastbeitrag „Ein Überdachungskonzept für das Naturtheater in Bad Elster“ INGBW aktuell 11/2017
Impulsvortrag: „ Fußgängerbrücken“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz
Vortrag: „ Report from a joint research project for the use of re-tractable membrane structures in South Korea” Konferenz “Structural Membranes“ – München |
2016 | Impulsvortrag: „ Skisprungschanzen“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz
Vortrag: Sonderkonstruktionen im Stahl- und Stahlbe-tonverbundbau – Duale Hochschule Mosbach |
2015 | Vortragsreise nach Korea – Themenbereich wandel-bare Dächer Seminar bei Doojin Hwang architects Vortrag an der Korea University of Technology Vortrag an der University of Seoul Technical Seminar für Vertreter aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft; K-Kongresshotel, Seoul
Impulsvortrag: „ Stadiondächer“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz
Vortrag + Paper: „Details for anchoring and moving of small and medi-um sized retractable membrane roof structures exem-plified with realized projects” Structural Membranes – Barcelona
Impulsvortrag zum Thema Aerogelbeton |