Dr.-Ing. Alexander Hub


Education and Professional Career

since 2018

Admission as associate in the Alfred Rein engineering GmbH

since 2017

Mandatory member of the Baden-Württemberg chamber of engineers with the
title “consulting engineer”

since 2015

Member of the professional group planning of supporting framework of the Baden-Württemberg chamber of engineers


Nomination to managing director of Alfred Rein engineering GmbH

since 2012

Guest lecturer at the the Institute of building structure and structural Design (ITKE) Prof. Jan Knippers, University of Stuttgart

2011 - 2013

Project director of Alfred Rein engineering GmbH, Stuttgart

2008 - 2012

Doctoral thesis at ITKE/ University of Stuttgart with the subject: “ Integrated approach for a sustainable erection of buildings made out of concrete elements” with the degree Dr.-Ing.

2002 - 2012

Research associate at the Institute of building structure and structural design (ITKE) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers, University of Stuttgart

2000 - 2002

Project engineer in the engineering office IF-Group, Reichenau


Diploma thesis at Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Saal at the research center for steel, wood and masonry with the subject: „Connecting detail of steel truss member in cut nodeplates“

1997 - 1999

Scientific student worker at the Institute of building structure (IfT) Prof. Fritz Wenzel collaboration in the special research project 315

1994 – 2000

Study of civil engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT)


Publications and lectures


Impulsvortrag: „ Stadiondächer alles überDACHT“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz


Vortrag: „ Report from a joint research project for the use of re-tractable membrane structures in South Korea” Konferenz “Form and force“ – Barcelona


Impulsvortrag: „ Achterbahn“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz


Vortrag bei Ingenieurbüro I‘ST, Seoul


Technical seminar: Entwicklungen am testbed - Ver-bundforschungsvorhaben wandelbare Dächer, Seoul


Gastbeitrag „Ein Überdachungskonzept für das Naturtheater in Bad Elster“ INGBW aktuell 11/2017


Impulsvortrag: „ Fußgängerbrücken“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz


Vortrag: „ Report from a joint research project for the use of re-tractable membrane structures in South Korea” Konferenz “Structural Membranes“ – München


Impulsvortrag: „ Skisprungschanzen“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz


Vortrag: Sonderkonstruktionen im Stahl- und Stahlbe-tonverbundbau – Duale Hochschule Mosbach


Vortragsreise nach Korea – Themenbereich wandel-bare Dächer Seminar bei Doojin Hwang architects Vortrag an der Korea University of Technology Vortrag an der University of Seoul Technical Seminar für Vertreter aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft; K-Kongresshotel, Seoul


Impulsvortrag: „ Stadiondächer“ Stromberg-Gymnasium – Vaihingen/Enz


Vortrag + Paper: „Details for anchoring and moving of small and medi-um sized retractable membrane roof structures exem-plified with realized projects” Structural Membranes – Barcelona


Impulsvortrag zum Thema Aerogelbeton
Fischer Architekten - Mannheim


+4915205240100 mail@ims-institute.org